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RWE sell Ferrybridge engineering workshop to TGM Industrial Group

HMT LLP advised global leader in renewable energy RWE on their disposal of Ferrybridge Engineering Workshop business to TGM Industrial,


MBO of Winder Power backed by Connection Capital

HMT LLP advised Connection Capital in its investment in Winder Power to support the MBO. Leeds-based Winder Power designs, manufactures,


Key Capital Partners invest in SJA

HMT LLP advised Key Capital Partners on their £9.1million investment in integrated property services provider SJA Group. SJA was established


Leaders Romans Group acquires Peter Ball and Alexander & Co

HMT LLP advised property services group Leaders Romans Group (‘LRG’) on their acquisition of Peter Ball and Alexander & Co.


MBO of Message Direct backed by LDC

HMT provided buyside lead advisory services to LDC on their investment to support the MBO of Message Direct led by


Cluttons complete management buyout backed by TREUN Capital Partners

HMT LLP advised TREUN Capital on their investment in the MBO of the strategic property consultancy, Cluttons, which will support


TIS acquires National Specialist Projects

HMT LLP, advised Key Capital Partners backed TIS on their acquisition of National Specialist Projects, a smoke control and ventilation


Certified Origins, acquires Seggiano Group

HMT LLP, advised Certified Origins, a global food industry leader, on its acquisition of Seggiano Group, an International Italian food


Lonsdale Capital Partners invests in GIA

HMT LLP, provided financial modelling services to the leading property consultancy GIA surveyors to secure investment from Lonsdale Capital Partners.


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